Sermon preached at RUF's Wednesday Night Fellowship, Sep. 6, 2017. In this sermon we look at the second question God poses in the Bible: "Who told you that you were naked?" As we do so, we ask and answer a few other questions: What is shame and how is it different from guilt? How do we try to cover our shame? Finally, can we be naked and not ashamed ever again?
Genesis 3:1-10: Where Are You?
Sermon preached at RUF's Wednesday Night Fellowship on Aug 30, 2017. We are kicking off our semester-long series, "Questions God Asks Us." Tonight we're introduced to the very first question God poses in the Bible: "Where are you?" We ask (and answer) three questions: why do we run and hide from God? How do we hide? And what does God do in response?
Matthew 13:31-33: Stories About Going In, Working Out
Final sermon in our "Stories Jesus Told" series, preached at RUF Large Group on Nov. 30. We look back on a semester's worth of stories, seeing that God meets us on the outside, brings us into his "home," and then sends us out as his child-ambassadors. We go to work "out there" but find our rest "in here." In and out, in and out—this is the rhythm of the Christian life.
Matthew 13:44-46: Stories About Hidden Treasure
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on Nov. 15. The kingdom of heaven [aka, kingdom of God] is our broken world made right. In these stories, Jesus reveals that the kingdom of heaven is here but hidden. It is subversive. Not only that, it is incredibly valuable. Finally, it cannot remain hidden forever. It changes you. While discovered in private, the effects of that discovery become public.
Luke 18:1-8: Story of the Widow & Unjust Judge
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on November 8 (Election Day). Hope is rooted in reality. Hope is powered by promise. And hope "has legs."
Matthew 25: The Story of the 'Least of These'
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on Nov. 1. What is the kingdom of God? What does Jesus want us to do? Who does God reward?
Matthew 25: The Story of the Talents
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on Oct. 25. God made us and saved us for work. God has equipped us for good work. And God expects a return on His investment.
Matthew 18: Story of the Unforgiving Servant
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group 10/18/16. Forgiveness costs and forgiveness changes (at least it ought to).
Luke 10: Story of the Good Samaritan
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on 10/11/16. What does love look like in action? Where will we get the strength to love like this?
Luke 18: Story of the Pharisee & Tax Collector
Sermon preached at RUF Large Group on 10/4/16. Humility is the door into God's kingdom.