RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 3.23.22.
Good Soil, Good Fruit: Identity
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 3.16.22.
Matthew 5:13-16: Moral Ecology, Salt, and Light
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 3/2/22
Isaiah 62:1-5: Loving the Bride of Christ
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 2/23/22.
1 Cor. 12:12-27: Baptism and Belonging
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 2.16.22
1 John 1:5-10: Walking in the Light
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 2/9/22.
The Johari Window
Psalm 95:1-7: Worship as Resistance and Rehearsal
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 2/2/22.
Ephesians 2:1-5, 11-19: The Cure to Our Zoochosis
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 1.26.22. The message ends with this clip (start at :36) and these words, “Your Savior delights in you. He knows you by name. Even as he calls you to himself, he is calling you into newness of life and a life with others. Let’s pray….”
Mark 4:1-9, 14-20: Here's Your Survival Kit, Now...
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 1/19/22.
Psalm 136: Connecting with God in Our Joy
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 11.17.21.