RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 10.23.24
Do You Understand What I Have Done to You? (John 13:1-11)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 10.16.24.
The Messiah Test (Who Do You Say That I Am?) (Matt. 16:13-25)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 10.9.24
The Hard Sayings of Jesus (Does This Offend You?) (John 6:35-69)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 10.2.24
Into the Whirlwind (Why Did You Doubt?) (Matthew 14:22-36)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 9.25.24
The Lunch Test (What Do You Have?) (Mark 6:30-44)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 9.18.24
Jesus Rocks Our World & Calls Us Into His Work (Luke 5:1-11)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 9.11.24
The Gift of a Rock-Solid Identity (John 1:41-42)
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 9.4.24
Don't Work For Your Salvation. Work It Out.
RUF Wednesday Fellowship 5.1.24
RUF Wednesday Night Fellowship 4.24.24